Coriander. (:


I've seriously lost it now.
Yesterday, I loudly remarked how "I really wanted to milk a pig".
My sister's face was a mixture of amusement, confusion and.. worry.
Worry that her little sister was going mad.
And I then proved it further when I shoved a scorching piece of penne pasta in my mouth.
I didn't even think of letting it cool.
I think the icy Scottish weather got to my head.

Well today is the day when I had to stumble back into my usual routine. No more rest. No more freeness. Hard work time.
I can already feel the joy seeping through the walls of my house.
My alarm clock awoke me bright and early this morning. The cool wind accompanied that morning wakeup call. Cups of tea are magical you see. They help you wake up a little.
At least it is not a Monday. You see, Mondays are traditionally the bleakest of all mornings.
So that is one good thing right? And to be truthful, I enjoyed this Wednesday. I did. It was fun.

I got a packet of chocolates in the post today.
And I finally got to wear shorts. Summer is making its appearance.
Sigh of relief time.

Okay, so since we all had that relieving sigh, lets move on to other issues.
Like my dilemma at the mo. Which is, what can I make up for dinner?
It is a question that probably troubles most of us, knocking on the little doors of our heads, again and again. Or should I say pounding? Nah. Knocking.
So, I have a cookery book in front of me.
I have 3 options.
a. Open it on a random page and cook whatever is before me. (But there may be some slight problems with the ingredients.... Must consider that.)
b. Play eeny-miny-mo (I don't think I spelt that correctly)
c. Open the almighty fridge door and grab the first thing I see.
I am going to have to choose a.

So, cookery book is in my hand.
Flip the pages, Flip the pages, Flip the pages, Flip the pages...
And.. the winner is, p.120, "Pan-fried scallops with chorizo, apples&mashed potatoes."
Oh, I don't like scallops. But it sounds nice. And what is chorizo? Must make a mental note to google that.

Lets attempt that one more time..
So..... "Teriyaki Asparagus", p.84. A bit light don't you think. I haven't eaten hardly anything all day.

Third try and last try. They say that 3rd is the lucky winner.
So..... "Chicken Coriander with Basmati&Ginger" on p.93.
Yesss, winner time. That is mon dinner.
I think I will stop going on about food now because I worry that I am getting a little boring.
And I do not want to bore you. I do not want to make you peckish either.

Do you know what I find rather.. odd?
I don't know if it is a Vicki thing, or if it is something that happens to other people too.
You see, when I need to learn something, for example, a piece of text, or an extract from a book/article, I cannot write notes. I cannot write down keywords. I cannot highlight the page in many different colours, and put stars and indicators all over the page. None of that helps me.
Instead, I read it. Again and again and again..
And it works for me.
But you see, with lyrics, once I have learnt them, they stick to my brain like chewing gum sticks to a table. I know, the metaphor was wonderful dears.
Sorry if it is a bit.. gruesome.
So, lyrics are very easy to remember. For me.
What about you?

Talking about lyrics, hear is an extract of a song that I have recently been listening to "So, brick by brick, I am breaking through these walls, oh between you and me, I'm not giving up.."
Just thought I would share that there.

Today I heard various interesting conversations going on around me.
I heard someone talking about how they lived on a cruise-ship for 18 months.
I heard someone talking about folk metal music, which sparked my interest. Not because of the word "metal" but because of the word "folk".
I probably have mentioned in the past how I am a huge fan of "indie" music, and although I am labelled as romantic&dreamy, the word "folk" striked my interest.
So there it is, one more thing to google. (:
I also heard someone talking about why there are 365 days in a year, why did someone get slapped in the face by a fish, and how somebody got food poisoning because of the easter meal they had consumed.

All in all, a very... educational day. I learnt about fish-slapping, cruise-living, folk metal and the year. I am proud.
I am still holding the cookbook in my hands you know.
And as my gaze drifts towards the digital clock located on the stove, I see that the time is 17:56.
Well, I shall start getting the ingredients together and preparing the chicken.
Early dinners are a must.
See, the book, which is still located in my hands, was a sign. A sign that I should start cooking.

But before I open the almighty fridge door, I shall check mon horoscope. But I will check it for tomorrow.
As your probably have already noted by now, I have been adding in a few little French words today to this post.
I do not know why. It is simply a habit today..
Oh habits. I will not explain them again because I will probably bore you.

So, the tomorrow-horoscope predicts that:

"Someone will turn your regular routine on its ear -- and you're going to love it."

Now this could reassure some people.
Or it could make them eager to find out about this, and anticipate it.
But, I, as the Vi that I am, worries about it.
Like who this someone could be, and why the routine will be turned on its ear, and I am really going to love it?
I really stress out for no reason whatsoever.
So, I will just wait and see, and report back tomorrow on the ear-turning change which shall occur.

I should really start that cooking now.
And I am going to make some cupcakes. And I will pretend that each one, is for each one of you who is reading this. :)

Have a lovely rest of the day dears,
Ta Ta for now,
Victoriaaaaaaaaaaaaa xxxxx

ps. Please excuse some spelling mistakes that are dotted here and there throughout the post.... My brain is functioning a little crazily today, as if I have been turned upside down and I am now sitting on the ceiling. That would be fun though, wouldn't it?



It is a name. It is a month. Apparently it is the month which was dedicated to Venus. I did my research (:
But, it is probably best known for its first day.
Which is today. April Fool's dear.
Yes, that day which some people dread, whilst some people love and enjoy.
Interesting day is all I will say.

I've decided that those minor little details that make up little parts of our lives are very significant. They are special.
For example, the details about your closest friends.
The way they write, or speak, or walk, you have taken it all into account.
Or the details about yourself.
The way you take your coffee, or the exact shade of nail varnish you wear, or that song which you cannot bear listening to because you know that it will remind of you of something.. significant.
So, everything in each of part of our lives is very, very significant.
That is why I love details.

I have difficulty making decisions.
The way I have difficulty putting down a bar of chocolate. Or turning the music down.
My sister has a difficulty answering people, as she comes across a little.. rude.
I remember one event vividly, as when I asked her to do something, she replied "actually Vi, I'd rather scrub myself down with a pineapple."
Apparently she got that quote from a film. I don't know which one.
Madam clever-clogs. Dear I hope you don't see this XD

I finally managed to burn a cd today!
It makes me feel so proudd!
Not burning it, in a fire. Burning it through the computer. I just needed to show the difference.
I didn't want to appear... dumb. (:
In any case, after three wasted cds which failed to write, I managed to burn it successfully.
I am now happily holding it in my hands :)
And yes, my cat is looking at me curiously as I beam at the cd. I think the cat thinks I am odd.
It is an odd odd world.
Oh and I finished that assignment. It's feather time.

Do you know what is special about people?
The way that you can recognize them so easily, if you know them.
One person has special handwriting. Scrawled, but readable.
Another has a memorable laugh. Or a smile.
Someone else smells nice, or walks in a way that you remember.
Or speaks in a really nice way.
All these facts are so great, because they surround us all.
It makes me happy :)

But, I must be going, and I apologize for the short post, but I am taking a trip to my Aunt. The whole family is visiting her, so it is the annual Easter family gathering. We do it at Christmas too. So, my Aunt lives in a remote little village in Scotland. Which only means one thing. Cold. Freezing cold. Perhaps even snow, the weatherman suggests.
So, I am going to love my gloves, my tea and my scarf for the next few days.
And luckily my sister's car has heating. Luckily she's driving us too.
I doubt I will have any connection, as her cottage is located in a field, which will probably be snow covered.
But you never know. In any case, I will be posting by Wednesday/Thursday after my excursion up the mountains.
At least I will see my family :) And get some good old photos. And you never know, we might even glimpse Nessie!
I need to find those gloves.

So wishing you all a warm Easter weekend, and I will write you all a huge post by Wednesday :)
Guess who!
Yes, you know,
Victoria (:

ps. Enjoy the photo which decorates the post, and let me know about your April fool jokes :)
Have fun! :) :D