Neutral March :)

Be Neutral.
Be Switzerland.

That is a piece of advice that has come very handy in the past.
It does not always work, but it has helped me out in certain tricky situations.
And I do suggest it to quite a few of my friends, so some of you know. Oh you know who you are.

So, today is the day to be Switzerland. :)
Let us all attempt this.

Although the new week has been good, so far, I have a few disappointments to refer too.
Firstly, who banned blueberry muffins? That is my main complaint.
It's unfair. I guess I will have to opt for the Starbucks ones from now on. -.-
Secondly, I was looking forward to enjoying the weather as I stepped out the house this morning. It was very warm indeed.
It was getting a little too warm though by lunchtime, and as I stormed around the corridors (angrily), as I was a little annoyed today, I found myself boiling. In March? Yes, in March!

Thirdly, me and my sister got rather annoyed today.
You see, we were spending the morning in the local park, and some children decided to grab the tree-trunk and shake it, with all their might.
Of course they have the right to shake a tree with all their might, well obviously.
I'm not going to stop them.
But, what about the tree? And what about the consequences of shaking the tree?
Result, may you ask?
Bot of us were covered in pollen, while Zoe was sneezing uncontrollably.
It was rather... itchy. That is the least I can say.

Another issue I'd like to ponder on.
My I-pod isn't feeling so lonely anymore.
Actually it has made some new friends. They are called new songs. :)
So, I was rather happy this morning, as I stumbled out of bed, and grabbed my Ipod.
It tends to help me wake up of a morning.

And here comes the stupid part.
I should of thought of it before, but I hadn't waken up properly, and I was in a rather fuzzy mood. Meaning hyper. At seven o'clock this morning. Yes I thought that it was odd too.
In any case, I stupidly assumed that it was absolutely necessary to wash my face whilst listening to music.
I thought it was absolutely maganormously essential to have a beat; a tempo; a steady little rhythm while I splashed freezing water on my face.
Result may you ask?
I dropped my Ipod. In the sink.
Luckily, I managed to get a firm grip on half my ipod before it got completely drenched in water.
So my earphones were not saved. I will have to replace them.
In the meantime, I rummaged through my drawer this afternoon and pulled out an older pair, which was all tangled together.
It took some time to get the knots out, but everything is okay now :)

So this weekend, half my friends went camping.
I'm not a camping person.
I have memories of camping when I was younger, and they were not the "bouncing up and down happy memories" that I would like to repeat.
Anyway, I'm getting to the point.
Apparently, as I got a call from one of my friends, they were playing a game.
5 year olds I thought.
So, then me and Zoe acted like 5 year olds and made a tent in my attic.
We camped out there all night.
And yesterday, Monday morning, when we were asked if we went camping, we replied
"Yes, we did actually."

Ah, I loved it when they believed us.

In addition, I would also like to say a big, big, big, biggg thank you to everyone for your lovely comments! They really put a smile on my face whenever I see them, and I really appreciate them :)

I also had a brainstorm today.
Since Easter is blasting on its way, I came across a pot of Cadbury's mini eggs.
They're delicious if I must say myself.
I did initially promise to have 3 little eggs, but..... my intentions changed.
The empty pot is now in the rubbish.

I also have this strong yearning to stumble into a bookstore, and spend hours flipping through the glossy pages of new books, with the scent of freshly printed ink around, gazing at the pictures, reading the opening chapters, flipping the pages....
I should open a store.
Yes, I should.
Must add that to my never-ending list of "To dos."

Oh. Yesterday, I was asked by some close friends of mine to help them in this play they were doing.
It involved me acting as a vampire, with a strong Spanish accent.
It was very amusing to watch. But very embarassing to do.
I even downloaded songs by Juanes (which I really like may I add), in order to help me perfect my Spanish accent.
Result? Apparently I sounded like a Russian model.
More languages to learn.
I want to visit Spain and Russia.
Adding that to my mental "To do" list too.

I didn't sleep well last night.
And I couldn't wake up this morning. I was planning on having an early start.
That plan was shattered. As if a stone was thrown through a delicate glass window.

You remember last week, when I was rambling on about how the world is the Mad Hatter?
Well, Alice in Wonderland, the movie, is coming out this week, and frankly it looks interesting.
I'm gonna go to the Vue and watch it. :)
Teee heeee.

Also, don't you just love London ? :)
I find it so chic, when someone says where do you live, and I repeat, poshly on purpose, Londres.
It make me proudd XD

Anyways, word of the day IS... embelished.
Fabulous word if I must say myself.
I was saying that all day.
Inspired by this essay I spent Saturday morning on.

I was also speaking about the Nessie Monster, as my friend had drawn a sketch of it.
I'm really odd darlings :)

Lastly, let us look at mon horoscope.
"You're intelligent, sweet and creative. You have a kind of presence people notice from blocks away. No wonder everyone you pass on the street experiences whiplash. You're an unstoppable force to be reckoned with."
I like what it said :)

Are you feeling the whiplash?
Haa :P

Have a lovely eveing everyone, and I will be posting tomorrow :)
In the meantime, enjoy the MARCH-NESS.

Victoria Adora xxxx

Mondays? Seriously? No.

You are standing in front of a crowd.
You can hear no sounds; you have blanked them out completely.
No silent murmur from the spectators, no familiar sounds to comfort you.
Just silence.
The only thing you can hear are the rapid heartbeats, pounding loudly in your chest.
You clench your fists. Tightly hold the paper in between your palms, while pulling at your top out of nervousness.

I experienced the above situation today. Pleasant may you ask? No, not really.
But I thought I'd mention it, see if any of you have been in a similar situation.
It was a very busy day today.
Despite my bag ripping in the middle of a corridor, with the contents tumbling out and scattering over the floor, today was quite an eventful day.
Despite my theory of "typically long, stupid uneventful Mondays", I must admit that here, I proved myself wrong. It was an eventful Monday for once.
The beginning of a beautiful, interesting week.
Or so I hope.

An expression I tend to use is... "Keep the shark at bay". I will not go into detail of explaining this. It is rather complicated.
You are probably wondering by now, then "why does she even bother mentioning it?"
Well, there I go, contradicting myself.
As usual.

I have come to the interesting conclusion that some of my friends are mad. Not saying that I am not, but anyway.
Well, one especially.
She knows who she is. She is best known as a cactus, and if you have read my previous posts you will know why.
So, today she decided to attach this huge file of notes, to help me "study". Not like I want to.
I'm the kind of person that writing endless pages of scribbles does not help me in any way.
A prefer reading it instead.
In any case, this huge attachment was.... impressive.
I can't believe someone spends some much time on something that although is so important, is not always appreciated by everyone.
So, to you cactus, a mega thanks and a wow. I will be telling you tomorrow.

So, my sister finally showed some interest in my blog.
Zoe, that is. She seems very excited about it. And I am proud, even though I am only a year older than her.
Just felt like mentioning that too. Showing her some respect even though she is in the same house with me at the moment.
Oh deary me, what has the world come to?

I realized that March the 1st is edging closer and closer by the minute.
It is not taking baby steps, creeping up behind February's back, instead, it is speeding on a motorway towards us.
Spring is on its way, and so is the good weather hopefully.
I'm sick of wearing all these layers. They way me down.
I wish I could just slap all these layers, but that would end up in me slapping myself, which wouldn't be very clever at all, would it now?
No, I think not.
I really need to tone down these odd tendencies of mine.

Do you know what is pure bliss?
Well, we firstly know that the law of my blog is the following - "Ben&Jerry's is a lovely mix of delicious magic."
That is a law.
Follow it if you like. I mean, you don't have to obviously. I would never force you.
I'm just urging you to pop into the local co-op, and buy some magic!

The pure bliss for me today, are magazines.
The texture of them, the glossy covers, the way your fingers tenderly flip the pages, one by one, savouring the crispy-ness of each new page.
The way the words flow, in endless articles, and the way they make you want to buy things, own things, have things.
Not that this last point is potentially good. It makes people materialistic- relying on objects only.
Which is a shame really. In my opinion that is.

Yesterday, I took a stroll into the centre of town.
Not that I live in a town. I just think that taking a stroll in a "town" is better sounding than a stroll in a "city".
You probably don't understand this.
I don't always understand my own thinking process either.
It is due to my cloud brain, as usual.

You are probably wondering by now, why I keep referring to my brain as a "cloud".
Well, this is to do with many complex reasons.
For example, imagine you are standing in a field. Clouds, fluffy ones, are surrounding you, and the view is misty, so your view is limited.
I know this is not a good metaphor, and it is not a valid personification for my brain either.
All I am trying to say, is that my point is that my brain is cloudy at times; you never know what is going on in there.
It is because my mind has a mind of its own.
Failing attempt of making a humorous joke there.
Let's just scan over than. Of no importance whatsoever.

Right now, I am in my "I really want to..." mood.
For example, at the moment, I really really want to go stand in a field, and go blackberry picking.
I used to when I was six years old. But this urgent want is probably due to the fact that I'm reading a poem about blackberries as we speak. Figures, doesn't it?
I also want to sit on the battered floorboards of a porch (there I go, sitting on the floor again), located in a teeny town of South Carolina, watching the golden sun set on the horizon, while sipping on freshly squeezed lemonade and carelessly strumming a guitar.
Why can't the summer hurry up and arrive already????

No Vi, no.
You see, I have to try and control my impatience once in a while.
It is like I am holding an hourglass, and constantly shaking it, in order to speed up time.
Like that is going to get this summer any closer.. Ha. I am mistaken.
The hourglass you see, is very delicate, made of the most fragile glass, and due to my impatience, I drop the hourglass. It breaks. Shatters.
Fragments of are now shining on the russet planks, as the rays of sun glint.
By now, the sand of the hourglass is now also scattered on the floorboards.
Sand. Sea...
Here we go again. That is a song actually.
I think you must be enjoying this once again, failing attempt of a metaphor.
Oh, I'll get the hang of it one day.
That day may take some time to arrive though.
Doesn't matter. Practise make perfect they always say.

I am sitting at the kitchen table at the moment.
The bulb above my head is bothering me; it is making this low buzzing noise- similar to the hum of the fridge. It is also due to the fact that it is very dim.
That needs to be changed. Must make a mental reminder of that.

However, there is something on the other side of the kitchen, which is looking at me.
Not looking; staring. Staring intently.
I try to ignore this, but I cannot.
What is staring at me? The banana cake, which is gently laying on a platter, ready to be consumed.
Oh, Zoe, why did you have to make it? See what you do to your poor, lonely sister?
You're making her indulge on unneeded meals.
Blah. Why not.
Its a Monday today.

I hope you immensely enjoyed my long, long post, but I just noticed something very odd.
Very odd indeed.
My kettle, which I cherish, has a dent in it. A dent. A dent!
My tea? What is going to happen with my tea?
I better be going now, before I start freaking out on you.
Mondays make me act weird.
That is my conclusion of the day.

Ta Ta,
and have a great eventful Monday evening,

The Victoriaaa xxxxxx

p.s. do you like my door/window.? :P It reminds me of summer :)


There is a huge difference between doing what you want to do, and doing what you should do.

That is something that although I already knew, I only payed attention to today.
My cloud brain decided to function for once.
I decided to get my priorities right, even though I didn't want to. I just had to.

However, what didn't decide to function initially was my hair. Have you ever noticed that sometimes, your hair has a mind of its own?
Well, I have surely noticed that.
I know this is a subject of minor importance, but I felt that urgent need to mention it.

What I despise is having work left undone.
I was generally in a bad mood today- and I was definitely not in the right state of mind to get serious and open my books.
As usual, they were sitting on the table gathering dust.
One more thing to look forward to tomorrow.
In any case, this bad mood decided to linger in the air around me; I wanted to slap it. Except that I couldn't see it. It was invisible.

I got stuck in the lift today. Quite amusing actually.
The woman next to me was panicking completely. I don't blame her. There were too many of us crammed altogether in there.
At least we got out.
I tend to avoid lifts if I can. This is due to an experience I had. I was with a friend of mine in her apartment building, and as we were in the lift, we pressed the wrong button- to the underground basement.
All I can say is that it was dark. clammy. scary. eerie.
I'm getting over it though. It is just me being paranoid as usual..

It is sad that it is Sunday tomorrow.
I guess I tend to get the Sunday blues.
That feeling you get in the evening, when you know that Monday is approaching; closer and closer; with teeny steps; knocking at your door; reminding you of the new week to come.
Well, you never know, this week may be fantastic. Fabulous.
I wish that it is for all of you too, by the way.

In the meantime, I did not fail with my dinner last night.
I didn't even burn the house down!
Turns out that my skills are getting better. Or that luck is on my side.
Hmm, hopefully it is :)

So what have u all been up to?
I sometimes feel I talk about my self a wee bit too much. (I sound Scottish in this sentence. Odd that is. Moving on....).
So, tell me about you guys.
If you want obviously.
I'm not forcing you.

Why am I always contradicting myself?
Hmm, that is another thing to find out.

I'm tapping my fingers on the edge of my laptop now.
I'm feeling restless.
Ughh it is the clocks again..They're doing this to meeee.
I'm having the mad hatter syndrome again.
By the way, did you know that "dammit im mad" is the same spelt backwards!?
It was mindblowing when I found out. I had to repeat it in my head a few times before I actually realized that I must of looking extremely stupid at the time.
Oh well. :P

To end tonight's post, I am going to ask some random "why" questions.
Because...., I am in the odd mood for doing so.
And I don't mean the typical, "why is the sky blue" questions.
Apparently it is to do with space. Or I'm getting my facts wrong.
In any case, I am going to not ponder any longer, and I am going to ask Google.
So, why is abbreviated such a long word?
Why does something have to go wrong when it was perfect?
Why is it sometimes so complicated?

I'd continue with all these "whys?" but I think I'm boring you.
And I don't want to.
But, my eyes are drooping as we speak.
I think I need to sleep.
Or to definitely have some coffee at least.

I will be posting as usual tomorrow :)
And the picture of the day, is a carousel. Located near Covent Garden at Christmas.
I just had to snap a pic!

Ta Ta for noww!
Have a lovely evening.

Talk to you all demain,

Victoria xxxx

ps. I do not know why I was talking French to you. My mind has a mind of its own.
That doesn't even make sense.
Time to stop with the whys I think.
Night! :)

.Hello to you too Cupcake.

As a sit on the wooden floorboards of my house, I realized that houses are full of little stories.
Your house, my house.
Full of stories. Stories of the past; stories to be told; secrets.
Things that you never have imagined.
Now you are probably wondering why I am sitting on the floorboards. And not on a chair.
Well, some of my habits are.. odd to say the least.
One of these habits is that I prefer to sit on the floor. I do not know why.
I obviously don't sit on a restaurant floor though, for example.
Just, when I'm at home, I like to feel the bare floorboards under my feet, and inspect the dust, which is gently occupying the russet planks.
I draw hearts with the dust.
I need to hoover tomorrow :|

You know, if you think about it, the whole world revolves around secrets.
I have secrets, you have secrets.
Though some people find it hard to keep secrets. Others are like vaults, hard to figure out.
I personally never tell secrets. I'm a keeper.
Oh, that sounds like I'm a goalkeeper.
I never was any good at football. I don't think I'll ever will be either.

I just realized, that last summer, I walked 12km in one day.
I know it is a weird thing for me to say, but I was just reminiscing why I walked that much.
Well, I was taking a trail up Mount Vesuvius.
All was well. Until I saw the slope. It took about 3 hours to get up it& down it altogether.
No wonder I was tired. The sun was blazing. It's not like I didn't know this though when I arrived.
It was Italy. June. Summer. What could I expect?
At least there were all those gelaterias. :)
I like the sound of that word. Gelato. I wonder where that originated from.
I don't want to go up a volcano again. The volcano can peacefully stay where it is.
Although I do believe that volcanoes brood secretively over the cluster of towns&cities surrounding them.
See? Even volcanoes have secrets.

Many people like gardening. My mother does.
Although the climate isn't that great.
I personally, find the mud squishy. And I'm a little insectophobic.
I'm squeamish. That is why a career in medicine will never be good for me.
But, I am mentioning the gardening for a reason.
Today, a friend of mine called me. Let me mention that she has a huge cactus in her garden. We were talking generally about us, and then what does she say? This is what she says.
“God, Vicki, if you haven’t seen my cactus, you haven’t lived your life!”
Okai, it is a cactus. I will see it sometime soon. Don't worry :P

Moving on.
The clocks are changing soon.
Once again, I have a point when saying this.
So, when the time comes round, and the clocks change, I notice that I don't sleep very well.
It affects my sleep. I don't know why, but that is my theory. I must search it.

Also, if you've read my previous posts, you will remember I mentioned hinting.
How I tend to hint stuff to people. Hints.
That most of them don't get.
Well, if you know me, you will know that when I start getting sarcastic, the things I say usually have a hidden meaning to them.
So, I sometimes try hinting stuff to people through songs.
With the lyrics of the songs.
Though I don't think they get it.
I shall make it more clear.

Continuing from my previous post now.
I finished my art.
I was splattered in blue paint mostly- for the sky.
It was a surrealist piece I did. I got a bit carried away.
Anyways, I like how it turned out.
I must take a photo and post it actually.

In the meantime, tonight I am on the hunt for new songs.
I like indie, alternative and pop. But anything is welcome.
So, please recommend some favourites of yours.
My ipod will truly appreciate it. Its been feeling a little lonely lately.

I've got to go now though; it is time to make dinner.
I finally bought a new cookbook today.
What's on the menu tonight?
Chicken&Vegetable risotto, with a hint of spice.
Wish me luck.
I don't want to burn it.
Fire-extinguisher at the ready.
Just joking.

As usual, I have added a photo of mine to wrap up the post.
Its a pic of some deliciously scrumptious cupcakes.
I neeed one.. Of course I do not see one anywhere near me. Hmm.
I'm waiting for you cupcake.
I will find one.

Well, all have a great Friday night, and guess what?
Tomorrow is Saturday!
I adore them.

I will be posting adorious posts tomorrow then. Is that even a word?
Well let it be one!

Ta Ta :)
Guess who.

Victoria :)

Sweet Disposition.

You know that feeling you get?

When you're sitting at a table, with a bunch of people.
Nobody is talking. The only thing you can hear is the sound of cutlery scraping against a plate. Or pages being turned.
Nervous glances are being exchanged here and there.
And inside your head, there's a little voice, screaming
"Awkward Silence! Awkward Silence."
Yes, I've been in a situation like that.
It was not pleasant. But as I remember it, it seems a little amusing.

It is a Friday today.
You probably know this. It is not like we live somewhere with no sense of time for example. We don't have to look at the moon, or the sun, to tell what day it is.
Gosh, that would be odd though, wouldn't it?
It would be different though.
Very different.

Something which bothers me is.. pressure.
People telling me over and over and over again to do the same thing.
They've said it about 500 times by the time, that I decide to do what they say.
If I actually decide to do what they say.
Of course, I don't actually tell them, how annoyed they've made me feel.
I have a friend, that tells me that I shouldn't keep everything bunched up inside me.
I should tell people how I feel.
But I can't.
It is like I am a bubbling cauldron, that keeps bubbling, or like a volcano, that doesn't explode.
Odd thought that is.
It is just a part of my character.

I woke up this morning, with this gut feeling that something was wrong.
Nothing was actually wrong, as I stepped into the kitchen though.
My feet felt cold against the tiles.
I flicked the kettle on.
My cat was on the sofa, soundly asleep, and the radio was playing gently.
Switch it off. Wait, who had switched it on in the first place?
I looked at the dirty plates in the sink, from last night's Italian meal.
I invited some friends over, my sister was happier.
I'm happy she was happy.

Moving on.
I feel like a picnic.
I remember when I was around 6 or 7, the whole Hayes clan, meaning my parents, my sister&my brother, my grandparents and my cousins would all set off to Brighton when the weather was good.
We'd make jam sandwiches, and lemonade, and sit in the sand, carelessly, watching the sea gulls soar over us.
I wish I could go for a picnic now.

Actually I want to go to a poppy field, and take photos.
My camera is charging at the mo.
And as I look around me, I see no poppy field.
I see a table, and a tv, which is switched off, and my new painting :).
It was on sale, and I had to buy it.
Although carrying it home, on foot, was a little tricky. I worked it out though.

I just can't wait till the summer comes round, and I leave the city bustle.
To just sit in that room, with the salty air tangling my hair is simply heaven.
It is peaceful.
Until the whole Hayes clan arrives. But I love them.

I finished off printing my essays today.
As I look at them, I feel relieved that I actually got them done.
4,067 words on fours sheets of paper.
Now, that is a huge babble.
It is.

Can I ask you a question?
This maybe happens to some of you?
What happens with my cloud brain, is that when I'm not thinking of something in particular, and everything is silent around me, a song suddenly pops into my head.
Any song, and the lyrics are running through me, from ear to ear.
I really want to learn the electric guitar.
I realize how I want to do a lot of things actually.

I need to do something.
I'm bored.
What could I do?
I could make a smoothie.
I could hoover the floor. Wow. Great fun.
Or, I could finish off my art assignment.
Yes, better get that done.
I shall.

You know, yesterday, I decided to search my name on Google.
Actually, I'm not always called Victoria.
My friends tend to call me shorter versions.
Personally I prefer Vicki.
If course, I tend to be called Vii by certain significant others.
I sometimes am called biscuitto by my Italian friend.
Oh, they know who they are.
I don't understand why I'm called a biscuit, but anyway.
But you can call me Victoria, Vicki or Viii. I don't mind. They're all me :)

Oh, the world is being the Mad Hatter as usual.
Am I in the rabbit hole. No?
I found my way out of the rabbit hole.
That sounds odd.
I am now in the mood for reading.
I need to finish that book, and to paint a blank canvas.
I'm guessing I'll be splattered in paint by the end of this.
Oh well :)

I'll posting later.
In the meantime, have a wonderful morning :D

The babbling,
biscuitto :)

p.s. The picture is of my mirror, which adorns my hallway. Tell me what you think. I found it last year in an outdoor market. I love it. :)

Trouble is a friend.

I was avoiding stepping on the cracks in the pavement today.
It was either because I was being paranoid, or because I was engrossed with my shoes.
I don't think its either of the two.
I'll never know.

The fridge was empty- as usual.
Which meant one word: supermarket. Logically.
So my plans for clothes shopping were shattered when I opened the fridge door this morning.

When I was a little girl, I loved supermarkets. I'd sit in the trolley, as my mum pushed it around and I'd point and go all googley-eyed when I saw a bar of Cadbury's chocolate or something of the kind.
Of course, I'm not that little any more. I obviously don't sit in trolleys any longer.
As I made my way down the aisles, I felt a little... moody.
I got extremely annoyed when I found the apples- bad quality.
I nearly screamed when this woman pushed me out of the way.
Young people these days, she probably muttered.
Well, I'm sorry mrs. that I'm not in a good mood today.

In any case, I got the food I needed. And a nice slab of parmesan. No more supermarket talk today. It bores me.

The important point is that when I got to my doorstep, there was someone there.
No, not the postman. No, not my neighbour. Or a stalker either. That's not even funny. Lets pretend it is though.
It was my sister. And she looked... shaken. Her hair was messily arranged in a bun, and her mascara had halfly run down her face.
She was holding a suitcase.

Now I'm not going to go into details, because she won't wanting me writing the WHOLE story on my blogerrama. Long story short; she had a fight with Michael, her bf, and decided to come live with me.
I wouldn't say no to her.
Although, I did have to go buy her some extra tissues.
It's going to be Italian night for her today. Just to make her happy.
It turned out to be a good thing that I bought that slab of Parmesan after all.

I do want to learn Italian. I want to visit Tuscany.
I do.
I also want to learn Japanese. Many people say I look Japanese. Maybe I do?
But I don't.
I don't see how I could.
My roots have nothing to do with Japan.
I'm a European girl, I guess.
Awfully pale.
But back to the fact that I want to learn some languages.
I already know two. Add three- I can speak a bit of French.'
Random facts coming out my cloud brain now.
Very random facts.

I decided to re-paint my nails.
If you ask anyone that knows me well, they will say that "Vi always has them purple."
Well, I decided to go pink today.
I'm in this flowery mood. Candy-coated. The bleak, morning annoyance has melted away. Like a cocoon. Wait, do cocoons melt away?

I am having flash-backs of my dream that I saw last night.
Except that it's all fuzzy; blurry. Like when the window clouds over from the frost outside. That kind of fuzzy.
If I could just wipe it off, and un-fuzz my brain.
Weird though, that is. Very weird.

I haven't ever mentioned this on the blog.
I love photography.
I'm always taking photos.
It annoys my sister; she'll just have to bear with me.
In any case, I've added a picture on this post.
I took it :)
Its this beautiful charm bracelet I've had since Christmas, and I love it.!
Tell me what you think.
Oh, and please comment.

Guess what?
Yes, guess.
You're right! I will be posting later!

Ta Ta for now,
guess who.

.Minor Details and Ultimatums.

Its early morning.
Just woke up.
Didn’t sleep very well.

I hate waking up; it is such a difficult task for me. It then takes me about fifteen minutes, to get my self into order- I need that cup of tea; it is essential. I need to splash my face with freezing water; it is also essential. As I think of all the "essentialities" surrounding me, it confuses me. It must be because it is too early for me to think properly. I am not a morning person as you must have realized by now.
My cloud brain has not returned to its daily cloudy shape yet. It will though.

Oh look.
The pile of books are still happily sitting on the kitchen table.
I've pushed them at the corner purposely; to avert my gaze from it. But it doesn't work as I had expected it too. There is still that pang- that thing that you sometimes feel in your chest- when you know you've done something wrong.
But I haven't. It's just a pile of books.
I don't understand why I always get so upset by minor little details. It's rather stupid of me.
Just because some books decided to gather dust.
Get over it V.

I didn't tell you the story about the cd, did I?
Ugh. It is my laptop's fault. Or actually, it may be mine, although I just don't want to admit it.
I tried burning a cd last night. I couldn't sleep, and my dad had asked me last weekend to make him a cd. So, I picked the early morning hours to do so. Typically me.
It didn't work.
I got annoyed.
The cd is still lying on the floor from last night.
I don't know why you had to know this; you just did.
I never have explanations for anything.
But lets just pretend I do.

Another thing.
Have you ever tried hinting something to someone?
I bet you have. Everyone probably has sometime in their life. I guess.
Anyway, for this subject, lets just pretend everyone has hinted.
So, for example, a few weeks ago I was having lunch with some friends. I had told one of them something; that I didn't want the others to know.
When she started talking about it, I tapped her under the table with my foot.
She didn't get it. She didn't get my hint.
She told them. I sulked, stuffing lettuce into my mouth, pretending to not show my un-comfortability. What am I talk about? I mean my discomfort.
Much better.

I also try to hint stuff to people I know with my eyes. Or with something I say.
But they just don't get it..
I do wonder, maybe it's just me.
Maybe my little hints are too subtle.
Or maybe they are just.... normal. They seem normal, so they think its me being normal, although they don't see the hint behind the normality.
I know, that doesn't make sense to me either. Let's just skip that.
But let's just take the lyrics of a song I like
"This is a hint that you take..."
Yes, so today I am going to take hints.
It is a very odd decision, you probably all think I'm utterly bonkers but yes, at least it is a decision.

I find it very hard to make decisions.
Especially with certain sujects.
I just can't make a decision easily!
And then I end up hurting people with my indecisiveness.
My feeble response is a "I really don't know. I just can't decide".
Hmm, I am sensing that my indecisiveness is a teeny little obstacle.

Remember the Ben&Jerry's.? The little pot of ice-cream deliciousness, that was screaming at me through the freezer door.?
Yes that.
Oh yes, that is now a happily finished carton of ice cream. Phish Food it was.
Utterly magical is all I have to say about that.

What else is utterly magical?
The fact that apparently, today is not the day for ultimatums.
The word ultimatum reminds me of a chapter of a book I had read.
It doesn't initially remind me of "ultimate". Although it should logically? It just doesn't though.
Does that mean I should make an ultimatum?
Shouldn't make an ultimatum?
I don't usually anyway?
Lets skip that too.
As usual, it is confusing me.

Oh, I need to apologise.
I think I'm writing too much.
I feel that I'm boring you.
There's too much writing, I know.
But I can't stop.
My fingers keep tapping endlessly.
So, I will pretend that I'm not boring any of you. I will hope that I'm not.

It is horoscope time.
Let me just say, that I don't take them too seriously. I love reading them though.
And analysing them.
So here we go.
My horoscope of the day:
"It seems like everyone around you has stopped using plain English and is trying to communicate in riddles."

Well, what can I say about that?
Maybe, that I should stop speaking English?
But how will people understand me otherwise.?
Oh dear, its that Mad Hatter thing going on again, isn't it.
Time to switch languages.
Being multi-lingual is fun. But this blog is in English, and so it will stay.

Now, though, it is time for breakfast. All this babbling has made me hungry.
Special K time.
Oh yes.
And then, I am heading to the shops. London High Streets here I come! Topshop is my first stop definitely :)
Well. We’ll see. I’m also going to think about buying THE shoe. Maybe not. Maybe yes. I’ll think about it.

To end this LONG post, I will post some lyrics of a lovely song. Tell me what you think :)

"I don't quite know, how to say, how I feel" :)

I will be posting later on todayy.
In the meantime, lets keep babbling,
xxxx Βικτώρια Αδώρα
Ha! You've probably guessed by now that it means Victoria Adora :D

{The Funhouse} :)

The tidyness spark did not return.

The house is a mess.

On the table, overturned books from this morning's essays. I have successfully finished them though. That is one good thing. All I now need to do is print them. I'm not bothered to do that right now though.
However, it is awfully quiet in my house at the moment.

If I ignore the sound my fingers make while tapping the keyboard, the first thing I can hear is my cat purring. He is sitting at my feet and seems to be looking at something on the floorboards which I seem to not see. Perhaps it is a grain of dust. Or an invisible mouse of somekind.

The kitchen tap is dripping; rhythmically. On and on it drips. I have the urge to stop it. But how?
I need some music. My ipod? In my bag. Upstairs. Later.
The radio? Hmm. No. I'm not that keen on radios. I have no idea why. I never liked them that much.

As I read over this, it seems to me just like a record of my thoughts. I don't know why I say seems, it IS a record of some of my thoughts at least.
It is odd, how writing makes you feel good. Maybe I should become a writer; an author. I'll have my own book. That would be great.

I have tried writing books in the past; mostly in those long summer months, with the lazy sun hovering in the afternoon sky, when you have nothing much to do, but listen to the rhythmic hum of the cicadas. How I miss them.

But for now, it is silence. It is dark as I glance out the window, so I am going to avert my gaze. What to do, what to do. I want to go out actually. I want to go shopping. But its not the right time now.

I wonder why my sentences are so short? It is odd, to wonder about something that you will probably not find out about. Maybe it is just a part of me. Just like the part of me which is at the back of my head, telling me over and over how I have to clean my room.
I said I would this morning.
I said I would as I was eating my lunch.
I said I would half an hour ago.
And here I am now- with a messy, clothe-piled room. Huff Huff. I do need to get round to cleaning it up. But not now. Not now.

Actually I know what I have to do.
I have to call my sister; I told her I would yesterday.
I have to make dinner too. My stomach is complaining.

What could I make for dinner.
Maybe it shall be Italian night tonight. Bruschettas and amatriciana and all. I must invite someone over actually.
Or, I could order takeaway. I haven't had a good curry in ages.
Any dinner ideas?
All I know, is that there is something waiting in the freezer for me, screaming out with a little voice to be eaten.
Have you ever heard of anything more beautiful? I think not.
My diet? It can restart tomorrow. Yes tomorrow.
Tomorrow is always a good day.

Time to tidy my room though.
I'll firstly start with those heavy books on the table though. They're gathering dust as we speak.

It is a funhouse after all,
The Babbler,
Victoria Adoraa xxxx

More posts will be up tomorrow. In the meantime, do check out the Boho Chic post of mine.
Oh and please comment. I like to see that people like what I write.
Ta Ta.
Have an awesome rest of the dayy and I will be posting tomorrow :)

Boho Chic


But first, I did promise the Boho Chic article to be up today didn't I?
And since I want to keep my promise, here it is!
I will then continue in about 10 minutes, to write my other new post about today. Keep reading :)

Boho Chic anyone?- The hit of this coming summer....

Firstly, let me say that in the beginning, I did not know what the term Boho or Bohemian exactly meant. I had heard it in a few titles of songs, seen it written in some magazine articles and heard my friends talk about it during long Monday afternoons, with our heads stuck in books, supposedly revising for various exams. I knew it also referred to fashion. Except, I was not exactly sure what exact style it was. I probably sound a little stupid at the moment, but I did decided to educate myself about the Bohemian trend. Here is what I found out. :)

Firstly, well actually secondly, the Bohemian or -Boho for short- trend looks earthy and layered, with flowing fabrics and loosely belted pants. Paired with vintage accesories, especially jewellery, the Boho trend looks fabulous, and can even look classy and chic if worn properly. Think organic, natural- green, brown and beige hues, a little ethnic perhaps and you've got your boho.

Warning though. This summer, things have changed. Look for boho- but in candy-coated, pastel shades. Soft lilac, faded yellow, spearmint green, baby blue and powdery pink will do the trick.

Stores which are mega hotspots for the Boho trend?
1. Monsoon- perfect for Boho, but very chic indeed. The "Monsoon Fusion" Collection is the best for Boho fashion.
The High Street Stores! You will certainly find something in any of the typical high street stores, and for good prices :)

In my opinion, would I try Boho Chic?
Maybe. Perhaps.
I'll think about it. I'll see this summer. :)

Enjoy the next post, which will be up in about..... 10-15 mins
xxxx Victoria Adoraaaa

ps. You may have noticed, that the pictures are in funny positions. For some reason, it is not letting me move them. So sorry if they look odd. I'm trying to get it fixed as soon as possible :|