Trouble is a friend.

I was avoiding stepping on the cracks in the pavement today.
It was either because I was being paranoid, or because I was engrossed with my shoes.
I don't think its either of the two.
I'll never know.

The fridge was empty- as usual.
Which meant one word: supermarket. Logically.
So my plans for clothes shopping were shattered when I opened the fridge door this morning.

When I was a little girl, I loved supermarkets. I'd sit in the trolley, as my mum pushed it around and I'd point and go all googley-eyed when I saw a bar of Cadbury's chocolate or something of the kind.
Of course, I'm not that little any more. I obviously don't sit in trolleys any longer.
As I made my way down the aisles, I felt a little... moody.
I got extremely annoyed when I found the apples- bad quality.
I nearly screamed when this woman pushed me out of the way.
Young people these days, she probably muttered.
Well, I'm sorry mrs. that I'm not in a good mood today.

In any case, I got the food I needed. And a nice slab of parmesan. No more supermarket talk today. It bores me.

The important point is that when I got to my doorstep, there was someone there.
No, not the postman. No, not my neighbour. Or a stalker either. That's not even funny. Lets pretend it is though.
It was my sister. And she looked... shaken. Her hair was messily arranged in a bun, and her mascara had halfly run down her face.
She was holding a suitcase.

Now I'm not going to go into details, because she won't wanting me writing the WHOLE story on my blogerrama. Long story short; she had a fight with Michael, her bf, and decided to come live with me.
I wouldn't say no to her.
Although, I did have to go buy her some extra tissues.
It's going to be Italian night for her today. Just to make her happy.
It turned out to be a good thing that I bought that slab of Parmesan after all.

I do want to learn Italian. I want to visit Tuscany.
I do.
I also want to learn Japanese. Many people say I look Japanese. Maybe I do?
But I don't.
I don't see how I could.
My roots have nothing to do with Japan.
I'm a European girl, I guess.
Awfully pale.
But back to the fact that I want to learn some languages.
I already know two. Add three- I can speak a bit of French.'
Random facts coming out my cloud brain now.
Very random facts.

I decided to re-paint my nails.
If you ask anyone that knows me well, they will say that "Vi always has them purple."
Well, I decided to go pink today.
I'm in this flowery mood. Candy-coated. The bleak, morning annoyance has melted away. Like a cocoon. Wait, do cocoons melt away?

I am having flash-backs of my dream that I saw last night.
Except that it's all fuzzy; blurry. Like when the window clouds over from the frost outside. That kind of fuzzy.
If I could just wipe it off, and un-fuzz my brain.
Weird though, that is. Very weird.

I haven't ever mentioned this on the blog.
I love photography.
I'm always taking photos.
It annoys my sister; she'll just have to bear with me.
In any case, I've added a picture on this post.
I took it :)
Its this beautiful charm bracelet I've had since Christmas, and I love it.!
Tell me what you think.
Oh, and please comment.

Guess what?
Yes, guess.
You're right! I will be posting later!

Ta Ta for now,
guess who.


Anonymous said...

Man! I love your blsbber. in fact, it shant be called blabber anymore, it shall become "verbal music" !! you're awsome. I want more!! reading your posts is like trying to read the ending of breaking dawn paragraph by paragraph UGH FRUSTRATING :P Oh, i still sit in super market trolleys... :( You do NOT look Japanese, get over it. Mukuuuuu