My Latest Find :)

So, I was absent-mindedly roaming around Boots Cosmetic Store on Christmas Eve, searching for some lasting minute presents for my family, when I ran into a display avertising Soap&Glory Cosmetics. I had never seen them before, as I travel quite often and I'm not always in the UK,so I don't always notice these things. But anyway, back to the main subject. I must admit that the Soap&Glory products are an interesting little find indeed. I've been using them non-stop since I found some under the Christmas tree and I thought I should mention them to you, incase you have not tried them out already :)

So, firstly I have really sensitive skin, and I'm very pale which means one thing- in the winter my skin goes all dry. Especially my hands. But I found the Soap&Glory "Hand Food" and I must say it has made my hands much softer. And also it smells really good, as it has marshmallow(!) in it. But, yes, I do worry everytime that I use new products that they will affect my skin, but this time they didn't, so i advice you all to check out the website:
or visit Boots and check out their products! :D

p.s. more posts to come, so keep reading :)