Stylish Rooms :)

Goodmorning everyone :)

Despite all the other thoughts that are bubbling around in my mind, I have lately been aiming for a change in my house. Well, actually, I have been thi
nking about updating my bedroom.

So, when I stumbled upon Oink! piggy banks, from S&P, I was stunned at the cuteness of the object. They are simple piggy banks, with amazing colours and designs, that come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes and are perfect for decorating your room.
I actually bought one myself, an "angel pig" actually. There's nothing more to say, than that they are perfect for gifts as they reasonable in price and are beautifully crafted.

Get yours now! :) The official site where they are sold are:
(I am not exactly sure why the link isn't working at the moment.:(

xxxx Enjoy these little cute decorations!
Victoria Adora :)

ps. I will be posting a lot today, so keep your eyes open for more! :D
and just to remind you all...

have any ideas? any suggestions?
anything you want to ask me? or you are just wondering about?
do not hesitate to contact meeiiii at:
