Clues and Scribbles.

Note: This was supposed to be posted on Thursday. Please read it as if today was Thursday :)

"The fact that tomorrow is a Friday, definitely brightens up my day."
That was the thought I was gripping onto all day long, holding on to it as tightly as possible, with all my might, just to try and enjoy Thursday.
Of course, I couldn't see my thoughts. I couldn't literally grip onto them.
Wouldn't it be interesting though, if we weren't just gripping onto, well, air?
Interesting to see our thoughts float around in front of us? Like clouds? I think it would be.
Not that I did end up enjoying Thursday, but hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

I was glancing at my previous post a few minutes ago, and I noticed that it was labelled "23 February". That is odd, as I only posted it 2 days ago.
For a minute, three options passed into my mind.
1. Time has stopped. I am simply moving through the world, while everyone else has frozen. Now that would scare me. Let's scrap that thought, shall we?
2. Someone, decided to play around with the week, and turned it around. Nah, that doesn't sound believable either.
3. My computer is simply acting odd.
So, I am guessing it is most probably number 3.
Moving on then.

What is the word of the day may you ask?
It is..... Proximal Convoluted Tubules.
Now, you are probably wondering why this is.
So today, I was attending a biology class.
It was warm, I was hungry, sleepy and bored.
All I had to do, was to pick my freshly coated nail varnish off. Which means I have to re-do it later tonight. Pff, great.
Anyways, so as I was not really paying attention to the lesson, one of the only words which stuck into my head were the "proximal convoluted tubules".
I then remembered what they were. They are the nephron ducts in the liver.
But, you probably don't need to know that.
I just assumed that they needed a mention and a little clap.

Also, I would like you to help me define a word.
Or just consider it maybe.
You, see I have been called a posh ***** this week.
By various people, that I have as acquaintances.
I apologize, I don't want to be rude, so that is why I put the *. I hope my vocab is not offending anyone :/ ? Hope not.
Great feeling I must say to be called that. Not.
In any case, how can I define that expression?
What is the exact definition of it?
To say the truth, they can continue calling me that.
I know what I am.
And I don't need their measly definition.

But, I think I'm going to stop complaining, and talk about more.. pleasant issues this afternoon.
In addition, have you ever known how livening a chunk of chocolate can prove to be?
I was very impressed at 11 o'clock when I grabbed a chunk of Cadbury's.
Cadbury's chocolate is my true love. I have decided.
It's absolutely magnificent.
Okay, I think it is about time to stop talking about food now.

So, my horoscope is my guidance today.
Okai, it is not, but let us pretend it is.
Oh, all-mighty horoscope, what have you got in store today? Huh?
Apparently: "Hmmm -- this idea seems like a good one, but you have a weird feeling about it. Listen to that feeling. It's not worth it to get involved with something that seems kinda sketchy."
Oh, I think I know what it is talking about.
Actually I don't have any clue. Actually, it could be about various ideas, or plans.
Like shopping plans. Cinema plans. Travel plans.
Anything. Any plans.
Any plans?

So, today I had to do a presentation for my studies.
Nerve-wracking experience I must say.
You know that feeling you get when you're anxious about something really important?
When your stomach turns and churns into a hundred knots and flips up and down, and you have to steady yourself, and get to grips. Yes that feeling.
Well, that is how I felt today as I looked at the crowd in front of me.
Stomach-tumbling over-nervous.
I avoided the eyes of the crowd actuallement. I just looked at the lights above them, so it would look as if I was looking at them.

I have this little thing with looking at people straight in the eyes.
It's not that I'm untruthful as some people say, or that I don't believe them.
It is just I feel a little uncomfortable staring continuously into their eyes, because it might look as if I am being rude, or persistently staring right at them.
So what I tend to do, is look at them for a moment, then avert my gaze a little, for example stare above their head for a bit, and then look at them again.
I have a friend who always says, whenever I speak to them: "Victoriaaa you're staring at my forehead again! Seriously, stop it! Vicki, look at me in the eyes for heaven's sake!"
Yes, well, I will work on that. Ha.

Also, do you get that little voice in your head sometimes, when someone is telling you something you don't like, and there you go, without any control, Whooosh, sarcastic comments are scattering your brain. Of course, you keep your mouth shut,
and keep nodding, as if nothing is bothering you.
Us humans are amazing sometimes. :)

You know, I recently crossed paths with a lovely song. It is called "Closer" by Joshua Radin, and I think his voice is so calm and soothing. In any case, it is constantly eing played into my ears lately. Actually, is is playing right now, as I write this, :)

It is so quiet in my house again.
There is that usual-steady hum of the fridge.
There is the dog barking next door.
There is the tea towel that has been scrunched up into a ball and left by the sink. Absent-mindedly I guess.
There is also my empty tea cup, and the bowl of oranges, which as usual, are laying untouched.
And the blank screen of the television.

You know, when ideas for this blog of mine pop into my head, but I have no absolute access of a computer, I usually write it down on a scrap of paper, or if worst comes to worst on my hand. So, right now, the table is filled with little scraps of paper, with my monosyllabic words, scrawled across in my handwriting.
The paper scraps are like snow, which is actually great, as right now I'm actually listening to a song called snow. Coincidence much? I think not. :)

Although, as I look at my hands, there's nothing scrawled on them at the mo.
I need some new hand cream. That's one thing.
And as I gaze at my thumb, I see my chipped nail varnish, which is a constant reminder that I have to repaint them.
From now on, I'm going to hide my hands under a jumper or a book, so my nails stay intact.
Oooh I used a new word.

I really need to buy that bag I saw last weekend.
I am not going to describe it now; instead, when I do buy it, which will hopefully be soon, I will post a picture to show you all.
A clue---> It is peach/pink.\

Oh, how I love clues.
Just the way I love hints.
It gives you this aura of mystery.
I'm going bonkerss.

Talking about clues...

To xereis m'areseis, ma mhn me pistepseis,
s'auton ton kosmo, pou monh mou zw,
den yparxoun kanones,
ma mono eksireseis. :)
Decipher that perhaps?

Okay, so I understand that you are probably wondering what that means.
You might, in fact, believe that I just flung a string of letters randomly across the screen.
But, actuallement, I did not do that.
It is an actual thing. It means something. And I know.
Maybe some of you know.
In any case, I will give you a clue; it is lyrics of a song that I adore.
Don't think I'm mad. :P
It's a really nice song.

So, I will leave you decipher that,
while I go do my nails.
I will be posting later, or tomorrow :)

Tee Heee
xxxxxx Victoriaa :)

ps. i am decorating this post with a pic of my boots. :P
I was in the local park when I took this.
Tell me what
you think :)


Unknown said...

Nice blog, very well written, I dont mind swearing if its in context of what your trying to put across and so should you.

10/10 fun, and well written blog, thanks for sharing.

Victoria Adora said...

Thank you so much!! :)
It's nice to feel that people appreciate your work, well thoughts in this case.
I will be posting later, and thanks for following (:


Anonymous said...

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don't give up and keep penning because it just simply truly worth to read it.
impatient to look at way more of your own posts, goodbye!

Anonymous said...

I didn't understand the concluding part of your article, could you please explain it more?

Anonymous said...

Hi People!
some advice needed:
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I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:

looking forward to your reply

[url=][img]  [/img][/url]
